Un enfant atteint du syndrome de Down a été maltraité dans un bar: voici ce que le serveur a fait


A child with Down syndrome was mistreated in a bar: here’s what the waiter did. The incident is true and it happened in the American city of Houston.

A waiter named Michael was working as usual that day when he noticed his regular customers.

Un enfant atteint du syndrome de Down a été maltraité dans un bar: voici ce que le serveur a fait

They were a young couple and their 5-year-old son, who had Down syndrome. Another family was seated at the nearby table.

They constantly complained loudly about the noise.

Subsequently, the head of the family called the waiter and asked to move the family with a sick child to another table so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

Un enfant atteint du syndrome de Down a été maltraité dans un bar: voici ce que le serveur a fait

The waiter, hearing the words « children with similar characteristics should not be here, » refused to move the family and continued to serve them as usual.

But the story doesn’t end here. When the family left, the waiter discovered they had left $20 as a tip.

Instead of keeping the money, he decided to donate it to the school’s special needs children’s association. He didn’t take a single cent.

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